EMT Quiz

EMT Quiz is a windows XP program that I designed and programmed to help me study and refresh my ems knowledge when I was preparing for my initial National EMT Registry test. It is basically a "flash-card" program with a few extra features. After a few friends used the program and loved it, I decided to share it with the world, but with a word of caution.

This program is based on the Los Angeles County EMS Curriculum from the year 2000. Therefore, it should not be used as a definite source for information. Due to the daily changing health care environment, your studying should be based on your local EMS protocols. Refer to your local EMS agency for the most up-to-date information. 

By using my program you agree not to hold me personally liable for any errors and/or omissions in the contained information. Also, I have only tested this program on computers running Win 98, XP, Vista, and Win 7. There are a few known spelling and grammar bugs. I no longer maintain this program, so it may be outdated.

EMT Quiz - version 1.6
(4.8 MB)